
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Funny Joke Called My Life: Today I was run over by a bike.

  I was walking--sorta briskly, but not really-- to get to town because I had to drop off some pay checks and return a library book for a friend. I'd just had a brief phone call with my mom about something, my brain was swimmy because I'd spent the entire day in bed before catapulting myself into the real world. I was moving slower on the inside than the out, rest assured.

  As I neared the edge of campus, a girl on a bike approached. I shifted closer to this road sign, giving her (what was in mind at least) ample space to carry on. Now, I assumed she'd take me up on the bit of road I'd given her and our paths wouldn't cross. But, you know what happens when you assume, right?


   She and I then started to act out that age-old, #PedestrianProblem of meeting and cluelessly trying to avoid one another. And we failed.

"I'm going to hit you." Yeah, she said it, eye contact made, steady tone of voice. At least she was honest about it.

I kind of gave her this really dumb-ass look and still managed not to move out of the way, staring blankly in her direction. 

She proceeded to move right between my legs and, though my knees successfully stopped her from plowing me down or falling herself, she still gave me the dirtiest look that ever was.

And I lol'd.