

If Only He Had a Beard

On The Blog: I give my perspective on things from feminism and science fiction television to the millennial generation along with pictures of beards. Because I dig beards. Combining interests is cool, right?
    Any questions, comments, concerns, emotional outbursts or angry tirades should be directed to can talk about things and I'll probably send you a video of a corgi jumping off a dock or something. It'll be cute.

The Author: My name is Katherine. I also go by Katie. 

The Header: My wonderful and talented friend Nicole (the brilliant Book blogger/fan girl extraordinaire behind Wordforteens) made my header. I think it's pretty. Go to her blog. Now. The image itself came from robriell-stock on  DeviantArt. She has some awesome stock photos that she lets people use for free. Including this bearded one. Go there and appreciate/ogle her photos. I'll wait.